June 5, 2018 Fort Pierce Utilities Authority
Call to Order - MEETING TO ORDER
Opening Prayer by Carol Wilson of FPUA Human Resources.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Call to Order
MEETING TO ORDEROpening Prayer by Carol Wilson of FPUA Human Resources.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Item A
1. Approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 15, 2018.
Item B
APPROVAL OF MINUTES:1. Approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 15, 2018.
Consent Agenda - 1. Approve the appointment of James Carnes as Supervising Engineer in Water & Wastewater Engineering; Larry Lammers as Supervising Engineer in Electric & Gas Engineering; and David Green as FPUAnet Communications Manager.
2. Bid No. 18-11: Approve budget transfers totaling $51,000, award of Bid, and Contract for the replacement of two McQuay air handlers at the Energy Services Center to and with Hill York Service Corporation, of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in an amount not to exceed $56,657. The Contract will commence upon written Notice to Proceed and end 60 days thereafter.
3. Approve Budget Transfer, in the amount of $80,000, to purchase reclosers.
4. Bid No. 18-05: Approve award of bid for Lift Station Fittings to Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. of Newport News, Virginia in an amount not to exceed $41,679.14 annually, effective June 6, 2018 through June 5, 2019, with four one-year renewal options.
5. Bid No. 18-49: Approve the award of Bid and Contract for the purchase of approximately 400 wet tons per year of 25% Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide) from Brenntag Mid-South, Inc. of Henderson, Kentucky, in an amount not to exceed $81,600 annually for the period June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019 with four one-year renewal options, contingent on receiving the required Certificate(s) of Insurance.
Consent Agenda
1. Approve the appointment of James Carnes as Supervising Engineer in Water & Wastewater Engineering; Larry Lammers as Supervising Engineer in Electric & Gas Engineering; and David Green as FPUAnet Communications Manager.2. Bid No. 18-11: Approve budget transfers totaling $51,000, award of Bid, and Contract for the replacement of two McQuay air handlers at the Energy Services Center to and with Hill York Service Corporation, of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in an amount not to exceed $56,657. The Contract will commence upon written Notice to Proceed and end 60 days thereafter.
3. Approve Budget Transfer, in the amount of $80,000, to purchase reclosers.
4. Bid No. 18-05: Approve award of bid for Lift Station Fittings to Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. of Newport News, Virginia in an amount not to exceed $41,679.14 annually, effective June 6, 2018 through June 5, 2019, with four one-year renewal options.
5. Bid No. 18-49: Approve the award of Bid and Contract for the purchase of approximately 400 wet tons per year of 25% Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide) from Brenntag Mid-South, Inc. of Henderson, Kentucky, in an amount not to exceed $81,600 annually for the period June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019 with four one-year renewal options, contingent on receiving the required Certificate(s) of Insurance.
1. A letter was received from John Fowler, President and CEO of the Drug Abuse Treatment Association, Inc. thanking FPUA employees for the 268.20 pounds of food donations to the Norman C. Hayslip Treatment Center for the month of April.
Item E
LETTERS OF APPRECIATION:1. A letter was received from John Fowler, President and CEO of the Drug Abuse Treatment Association, Inc. thanking FPUA employees for the 268.20 pounds of food donations to the Norman C. Hayslip Treatment Center for the month of April.
1. Final Report on the King Plant Cleanup – For Information Only.
Item F
OLD BUSINESS:1. Final Report on the King Plant Cleanup – For Information Only.
Item G1 - IRSC Capstone Presentation - For Information Only.
Item G1
IRSC Capstone Presentation - For Information Only.»
Item G2 - Approve a decrease to the Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA) of $0.05 per ccf from -$0.05 per ccf to -$0.10 per ccf, effective July 1, 2018.
Item G2
Approve a decrease to the Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA) of $0.05 per ccf from -$0.05 per ccf to -$0.10 per ccf, effective July 1, 2018.»
Item G3 - Bid No. 18-33: Approve budget transfers totaling $100,000, award of Bid to and Contract for the purchase of a Compressed Natural Gas Fueling Station (CNG) from ZeitEnergy, LLC, of Irving, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $343,577, the associated Repair and Maintenance (R&M) and monitoring services in an amount not to exceed $15,600 for the first year, and a rate of $90 per hour for unscheduled R&M services. The Contract for the CNG purchase will commence upon written Notice to Proceed and end upon final written acceptance by FPUA, at which time the R&M and monitoring phase of the Contract will commence and end one year thereafter. There shall be four one-year renewal options, on terms and conditions that are mutually acceptable in writing to the parties, with optional price increases based on the change in the Engineering News Record Skilled Labor Index over the prior year, not to exceed 3%, contingent on receiving required Certificate(s) of Insurance.
Item G3
Bid No. 18-33: Approve budget transfers totaling $100,000, award of Bid to and Contract for the purchase of a Compressed Natural Gas Fueling Station (CNG) from ZeitEnergy, LLC, of Irving, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $343,577, the associated Repair and Maintenance (R&M) and monitoring services in an amount not to exceed $15,600 for the first year, and a rate of $90 per hour for unscheduled R&M services. The Contract for the CNG purchase will commence upon written Notice to Proceed and end upon final written acceptance by FPUA, at which time the R&M and monitoring phase of the Contract will commence and end one year thereafter. There shall be four one-year renewal options, on terms and conditions that are mutually acceptable in writing to the parties, with optional price increases based on the change in the Engineering News Record Skilled Labor Index over the prior year, not to exceed 3%, contingent on receiving required Certificate(s) of Insurance.»
Item G4 - POA 14-53: Approve Post Budgeted Project/Budget Request in the amount of $242,000 for FY 2018 and Specific Authorization No. GT 18-03 with Globaltech, Inc., of Boca Raton, Florida, in the amount of $930,890 for rehabilitation of the Savannah Repump Facility. This Specific Authorization shall commence upon Notice to Proceed and end one year from the date of the Notice to Proceed.
Item G4
POA 14-53: Approve Post Budgeted Project/Budget Request in the amount of $242,000 for FY 2018 and Specific Authorization No. GT 18-03 with Globaltech, Inc., of Boca Raton, Florida, in the amount of $930,890 for rehabilitation of the Savannah Repump Facility. This Specific Authorization shall commence upon Notice to Proceed and end one year from the date of the Notice to Proceed.»
Item G5 - POA 14-53: Approve Post Budgeted Project/Budget Request in the amount of $76,250 for FY 2018 and Specific Authorization No. CT 18-02 with Culpepper & Terpening, Inc., of Fort Pierce, Florida, in the amount of $209,665, to provide survey, design, permitting, bidding, Construction Engineering and Inspection services relating to the Orange Avenue 16-inch Force Main project. This Specific Authorization shall commence upon Notice to Proceed and end November 30, 2019, contingent on receiving required Certificate(s) of Insurance.
Item G5
POA 14-53: Approve Post Budgeted Project/Budget Request in the amount of $76,250 for FY 2018 and Specific Authorization No. CT 18-02 with Culpepper & Terpening, Inc., of Fort Pierce, Florida, in the amount of $209,665, to provide survey, design, permitting, bidding, Construction Engineering and Inspection services relating to the Orange Avenue 16-inch Force Main project. This Specific Authorization shall commence upon Notice to Proceed and end November 30, 2019, contingent on receiving required Certificate(s) of Insurance.»
Item G6 - Bill Comparison for the month of April 2018 - For Information Only.
Item G6
Bill Comparison for the month of April 2018 - For Information Only.»
Items G7 & G8 - 7. Approve the Operations & Maintenance Budgets:
• FY 2018 Amended – Revenues $107,902,904 and Expenses $108,013,716
• FY 2019 Original – Revenues $108,231,495 and Expenses $110,167,395
8. Approve the projects listed in FPUA’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) through FY 2023, approve FPUA’s FY 2019 Capital Budget of $27,366,622 and authorize staff to carry over budgeted funds for partially completed projects which remain from FY 2018 and spend those funds in FY 2019 without additional Board approval.
Items G7 & G8
7. Approve the Operations & Maintenance Budgets:• FY 2018 Amended – Revenues $107,902,904 and Expenses $108,013,716
• FY 2019 Original – Revenues $108,231,495 and Expenses $110,167,395
8. Approve the projects listed in FPUA’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) through FY 2023, approve FPUA’s FY 2019 Capital Budget of $27,366,622 and authorize staff to carry over budgeted funds for partially completed projects which remain from FY 2018 and spend those funds in FY 2019 without additional Board approval.
1. Adopt Resolution No. UA 2018-04, a resolution adopting the recommendations of the Charter Review Commission.
Item I
RESOLUTIONS:1. Adopt Resolution No. UA 2018-04, a resolution adopting the recommendations of the Charter Review Commission.
Item J
Items L & M
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